Gender determination
Today, with the progress of embryology and with the help of medical genetics laboratories, It is possible to determine the gender and it is done in two ways:

In this method, the probability of success in reaching an embryo with the desired gender is about 70%. Sperms are partially separated in the laboratory with special methods. Finally, the sample prepared by the catheter is injected into the uterus.
In this method, the sperms separated in the andrology laboratory are delivered to the embryology laboratory. Sperms are fertilized with eggs in the embryology laboratory, and after the formation of the embryo and if gender determination is required, a cell from the formed embryo is isolated and sent to the medical genetics laboratory. The genetic laboratory examines the desired cell and reports the gender of the embryo (girl or boy).
The embryo with the desired gender is transferred to the mother’s womb according to the report of the genetics laboratory. In this method, there is only a 5% chance of error, which is very small.